Ten Most Beautiful Temples of the World

Ten Most Beautiful Temples of the World 1. Paro Taktsang or Tiger’s Nest Monastery – Bhutan Paro Taktsang is one of the most famous monasteries in Bhutan. It was built around the Taktsang Senge Samdup (stag tshang seng ge bsam grub) cave where Guru Padmasambhava is said to have meditated…

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Visting New York City for 2 Days

For the easter holidays, we had friday off so i got 3 days together and in this short time , i had planned to visit new york city. Time was a constraint and so was the budget. I had booked a hotel in Roger Williams hotel, http://www.hotelrogerwilliams.com/, which is 4 star…

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Nature Clean Fruit & Veggie Washing Liquid

I am not quite sure how many of you knows about the nature clean concentrated fruit and vegetable (veggie) washing liquid, it manufactured by Nature Clean,  http://www.naturecleanliving.com/ what it does?? well it does exactly what its product name says… it helps you remove the germ and cleans your fruit and…

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