I recently came across the term : Zero Emissions, Zero Accidents and Zero Ownership through a linkedin article. These terms were loosely connected with various concepts but now they are closely related to electric motors, which include hydrogen fuel cells, batteries, supercapacitors, and flywheel energy storage devices.
As the impact of climate change is becoming dangerously close, more and more of these type of concepts will be openly discussed. I find this map interesting to see impact of climate change on our beautiful earth:
Climate change, caused by rising carbon dioxide levels, is threatening our future. Carbon Capture and Storage is the only technology that can radically reduce the CO2 produced by the world’s largest emitters; power plants and heavy industry
Various Organizations are working in this platform such as:
Carbon neutrality and low-carbon economy are terms synonyms with the climate change.
To solve the problem of climate change, we all need to take account of our personal carbon emissions and make continued efforts to reduce them ourselves. But it is impossible to reduce our carbon emissions to zero, no matter how hard we try. Going carbon neutral by purchasing carbon offsets is a practical and affordable way to do something about those remaining emissions.
A low-carbon economy (LCE), low-fossil-fuel economy (LFFE), or decarbonised economy is an economy based on low carbon power sources that therefore has a minimal output of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions into the environment biosphere, but specifically refers to the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide. GHG emissions due to anthropogenic (human) activity are increasingly either causing climate change (global warming) or making climate change worse. Scientists are concerned about the negative impacts of climate change on humanity in the near future
Zero Accident Vision is a philosophy which states that nobody should be injured due to an accident. It is more a way of thinking rather than a numerical goal. Zero Accidents in motor vehicles is focused to reduce accidents and death related to automobile. Worldwide, an estimated 1.2 million people die in road accidents every year. In the United States alone, there were over 35,000 traffic fatalities last year, with the leading cause being human error whether it is drunk driving, distracted driving or aggressive driving.
Some of the latest high-tech gadgets on the modern cars, makes the zero-accident a reality in the near future:
- Crash avoidance – No matter how good a car’s rear crumple zone is, some collisions cause major damage no matter what.
- Lane keeping – When operating a motor vehicle, we’re supposed to keep our eyes on the road, our hands on the wheel and our attention front and center.
- Smart cruise control – For a motorist driving across an uninterrupted expanse of highway, cruise control has always been a godsend.
- Self-parking- Cars that drive themselves may not exist yet, but cars that give drivers a helping hand while parking are another story.
- Traffic avoidance – In-car navigation has existed for too long to still be defined as cutting-edge technology.
Society is undergoing tremendous change right now — those of us who enjoy services like Uber and Kickstarter are experiencing it firsthand. The sharing and collaboration practices of the internet are extending to transportation (Uber), hotels (Airbnb), financing (Kickstarter, LendingClub), music services (Spotify) and even software development (Linux, Drupal).This brings the age of the end of ownership and beginning of the zero-marginal-cost economy or Zero Ownership.
Consider Uber vs. traditional taxi companies. For a traditional taxi company to add another taxi to its fleet, a car and licence need to be acquired at significant cost. Instead of shouldering that setup cost, Uber can add another taxi to its inventory at almost no cost by enabling people to share their existing cars, all coordinated via the internet.
We’re happy to see you find our simple and clear message so compelling, and have included reference to the Three Zeroes in your blog. We’re in the middle of a Mobility Revolution that is defined by the Three Zeroes of transformational change in mobility: Zero Emissions, Zero Accidents, Zero Ownership. This impacts not just the automotive industry, but many other industries as well. Please look for our book at booksellers (online and offline) for more insights: The Mobility Revolution.